Initial Response To The Reported Crime

The Initial response to a crime is how the crime is reported to the authorities, this is usually done by calling 999(UK) or 911(USA) as well as 112 depending on where you live, once this number is called an operator will pick up the phone and you will say what service you need, in this case its the police. Once the crime has been reported the operator will need to determine what the crime is and whether a crime has actually been committed. If an actual crime has been committed the operator will have to report the crime and give is a Crime Reference Number so that the crime can be easily found and all evidence for the crime can be sorted to prevent confusion and information loss. The crime will then be given to the specific area to deal with the crime and it will be dealt with.

In the case of Christine Jessop, Janet, the mother of Christine, called the police sometime between seven and eight o'clock, 3 to 4 hours after she was missing. Janet told the operator that Christine was a "normal little girl and had no reason to run away" she gave a description of Christine and within minutes of being contacted York Regional Police began a search of the local area.

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