Investigating Leads

Once any evidence has been analysed or any members of the public have gave in information about the case they are able to investigate. This involves house-to-house enquiries and testing evidence that could have been found after the preliminary and follow-up investigations. This is beneficial as it can lead to possible suspects and gathering information about the case.

In the case of Christine Jessop the only leads lead to Guy Paul, the evidence found in his boot connected to Christine and the eye witness reports. Once the police had this information they focused on Guy Paul, also known as tunnel vision as they focused on one point, this is bad as they focused on one person meaning that if Guy Paul hadn't committed it all the progress up until the trial would have been wasted as they had no other suspects. During Christine Jessops parents interview they stated they got home around 4:10PM meaning that Guy Paul wouldn't have been able to abduct Christine, once they found out they changed their statement claiming they returned home at around 4:30PM this was to ensure that the police focused on Guy Paul as he returned to his home at 4:15PM. This is illegal as they lied on their witness statement, which they went onto admit after Guy Paul was released stating that the detectives pressured them into changing their statement so that Guy Paul was accused, this is preventing the course of justice and wasting the police time as its leading them to Guy Paul.

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