Identifying Patterns & Links

Identifying Patterns and links is the next stage in the investigation. This involves the police looking at any intelligence and identifying any patterns connected to other crimes or suspects in the area, for example patterns of burglaries in the area. This stage is when all information will be shared between other police forces and agencies so that they are able to find links. The importance of this stage varies on the type of crime. For example In the case of a serial burglar a pattern may lead the police to the suspect and apprehend the burglar. However if the crime has only happened once it is likely there will be no patterns for the police to follow, this stage would not be so important however as there are no patterns to follow, it should still be included in the investigation so that they can assess any possible patterns. This is the information that would allow the police to identify any patters or links in crimes.

In the case of Guy Paul and Christine Jessop because they were so focused on Guy Paul they never looked into whether any other crimes in the area had happened that could have had a trail, this would have been beneficial to the police investigating this kidnapping as there could have been another kidnapping similar to this that had happened in the local area.

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